Unlock the full potential of your Gravity Forms date fields. Date Formats is designed to offer fine-tuned control over date formatting. Seamlessly customize date formats and configure datepicker styling options to suit your specific needs, ensuring a polished and consistent user experience. Elevate your form aesthetics and functionality.

  • Customize date formats for any date field.
  • Configure datepicker options for a tailored user interface.
  • Enhance user experience with intuitive date selection.
  • Send data to third-party services as they expect receive it.

“The Date Formats plugin was exactly what we needed to send dates in a specific format to our third-party service. Its seamless customization options have made our integration process smooth and efficient!”


Field Settings


These settings can be set from within the Field Settings → General for any standard Date field.

Enable custom date formatThis setting includes a tick box to indicate whether a custom format should be applied to the field. This format will be used for datepicker field display, merge tags, feeds, exports, and entry screens.
Custom Date FormatSet the date format to be used for the field. Accepts a selection of PHP DateTime characters.
Allowable Characters
dday of month (w/ leading zero)03
jday of month3
zday of year (starting from 0)42
Dday of week (three letters)Tue
lday of week (full)Tuesday
mnumeric month (w/ leading zero)08
nnumeric month8
Mmonth name (three letters)Aug
Fmonth nameAugust
yyear (two-digit)04
Yyear (four-digit)2004
Uunix timestamp (start of day)1739477653


The following display options can be set within Field Settings → General for any Date field of the type Datepicker.

Disable year dropdownOnly show year. Selection must be made by navigating the datepicker.
Disable month dropdownOnly show month. Selection must be made by navigating the datepicker.
Hide dates from surrounding monthsDates from the previous and next month will not be visible when viewing current month.
Allow selection of dates from surrounding monthsAllow dates from previous and next month to be selected without first navigating to that month.
Show month after yearSwitch the default order of month/year dropdowns in datepicker.


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