### 2.6.11 // 2024.05.24
? NEW: GH-FI \ Adds indicator for entry errors
✨ IMPROVE: Slims entry bar width
### 2.6.10 // 2024.05.08
? NEW: GH-FO \ Adds entry status overview in entries column
? NEW: Adds rule option to disable default notification when creating new forms
? NEW: Adds rule option to bypass template library when creating new forms
? NEW: Adds rule option to set custom filename for form exports
? NEW: Adds rule option to set days until save & continue expiration
? NEW: Adds rule option to set number of max attempts for async feeds
? FIX: Fixes tweak filters not running too early
? FIX: PHP 8.2 compatibility patches for deprecation in dark mode snippet
? FIX: Fixes unstyled status indicator when using Gravity Forms 2.9
✨ IMPROVE: Dark mode compatibility exclude color swatch in settings
✨ IMPROVE: GH-SL \ Capture form ID context when exporting entries
### 2.6.9 // 2024.02.15
? NEW: GH-SL \ Adds Delete All Log Files button in modal
? NEW: GH-SL \ Adds Enable All Loggers button in modal
? NEW: GH-SL \ Adds improved formatting to log messages
? NEW: GH-SL \ Adds context (form, entry, feed) to log messages
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Forms Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Forms ConvertKit Add-On usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Entry Tags by GravityKit usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Event Field by GravityKit usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Populate Anything usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Advanced Select usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Advanced Save and Continue usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Google Sheets usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GravityWP List Number Format usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GravityWP List Datepicker usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GravityWP List Dropdown usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GravityWP - Advanced Number Field usage
✨ IMPROVE: Add Field consolidation provides logical field ordering
? FIX: GH-FI \ Fixes mismapping of some dependency checks
? FIX: GH-SL \ Fixes warning array access offset on null
? FIX: GH-KS \ Fixes warning on missing array key when no forms exist
### 2.6.8 // 2024.01-Jan.24
? NEW: Adds module GH-SL for smart logging
? NEW: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to view logging links - `v l`
✨ IMPROVE: GH-KS \ Switches Save Form shortcut to `command+s`
✨ IMPROVE: PHP 8.2 compatibility patches for deprecations
✨ IMPROVE: Unregisters logging for certain modules
### 2.6.7 // 2023.12-Dec.07
? NEW: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to go to import/export screen - `g x`
? NEW: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to go to toggle field ID visibility - `#`
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds keyboard shortcut to go to toggle field hinting - `&`
? NEW: Provides snippet to provide compact view and field ID persistence across all forms
✨ IMPROVE: Compatibility with Gravity Forms new compact view.
✨ IMPROVE: GH-KS \ Allow keyboard shortcuts from import/export page.
? FIX: Fix array access on boolean warning when deleting forms
? FIX: Properly register of CPT gh_form
? FIX: GH-ET \ Render empty icon when global template may be used
### 2.6.6 // 2023.08-Aug.21
? NEW: GH-ET \ Introduces Enceladus email template
? NEW: GH-ET \ Adds DATAZONE4 template part
? NEW: GH-FO \ Adds indication in form list of form schedule
? NEW: GH-FO \ Adds indication in form list of form settings (requires login/save & continue/form theme)
? NEW: Provides snippet to show field description on entry detail page
✨ IMPROVE: Consolidates form list columns
✨ IMPROVE: Adds dark mode styles for modals and other overlays
✨ IMPROVE: Improves performance by reducing query calls
? FIX: GH-ET \ Does not load appended field table in Europa when no fields are set
? FIX: GH-ET \ Fixes implicit conversion from float to int warning on newer PHP versions
### 2.6.5 // 2023.08-Aug.04
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks SyncS3 for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Forms Conversational Forms Add-On usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Adds Gravity Forms Geolocation Add-On to plugin library
? NEW: GH-FO \ Adds confirmation & notification count in menus
? NEW: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to go to logging screen – `g l`
? NEW: Provides snippet to show page names in form editor (props to Gravity Wiz)
? NEW: Provides snippet to add GF-Source email header indicating source notification ID, entry ID, & URL
? FIX: GH-FH \ Hides Pipe recorder preview in condensed view
? FIX: GH-FH \ Hides Stripe 5.0 card field preview in condensed view
? FIX: GH-FI \ Fix fatal error when checking formula fields on new form
### 2.6.4 // 2023.01-Jan.09
? NEW: GH-FI \ Adds field hinting to indicate disordering of fields used in calculations
? FIX: Fixes warning: Use of undefined constant in some environments
### 2.6.3 // 2022.11-Nov.19
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds field usage hinting (conditional logic, calculations)
? NEW: GH-ET \ Introduces Io email template
? NEW: GH-ET \ Allows usage of custom templates
? NEW: GH-ET \ Adds GRAPHICZONE1 template part
? NEW: GH-ET \ Allows custom icons in graphic zone
? NEW: GH-ET \ Adds filter `gravityhopper-et/graphiczone_source_url` to override source of icons
### 2.6.2 // 2022.11-Nov.09
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds choice value/label hinting for choice-based fields
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Search Field for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Page Transitions usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Forms Approvals Add-On usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Entry Expiration for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks ConvertKit for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Live Summary for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Coinbase Commerce for Gravity Forms usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Forms Google Analytics usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Slider Fields usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks EDD - Gravity Forms Checkout usage
✨ IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Refine some CSS to Gravity Forms standards
✨ IMPROVE: GH-FH \ More condensed condensed editor view
### 2.6.1 // 2022.10-Oct.21
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Flow Incoming Webhook usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity Flow PDF Generator usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks Gravity PDF Previewer usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks ForGravity Entry Automation FTP Extension usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks G-Forms hCaptcha usage
✨ IMPROVE: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to toggle dark mode
✨ IMPROVE: GH-KS \ Adds keyboard shortcut to toggle condensed view
### 2.6 // 2022.10-Oct.10
? NEW: GH-FO \ Introduces the module Form Overview
? NEW: GH-ET \ Introduces Europa email template
? NEW: Enhance snippet to pin structural fields (page, section, html) in Add Fields sidebar
? NEW: Adds filter `gravityhopper/first_in_add_fields` to prioritize fields in Add Fields sidebar
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GravityChart usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP File Renamer usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Advanced Phone Field usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Price Range
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks ForGravity Entry Automation usage
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GF Partial Entry usage
‼️ BREAKING: Requires PHP 7.3
### 2.5 // 2022.08-Aug.29
? NEW: GH-ET \ Introduces the module Email Templates
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP QR Code usage
✨ IMPROVE: GH-FI \ Support for refreshing plugin status when Plugin Toggle is in use
### 2.4.1 // 2022.07-Jul.28
? NEW: Adds rule option to disable view counter & hide view/conversion columns
? NEW: Removes column indicating network state on child sites. Adds filter to override.
✨ IMPROVE: Other performance improvements
✨ IMPROVE: Removes Hopper link from form list table to improve performance. Hops must now be accessed from within a form.
? FIX: GH-FI \ Maybe fixes issue with indicating GP Notification Scheduler dependency
? DOC: Updates link to knowledgebase
### 2.4 // 2022.03-Mar.20
? NEW: Provides snippet to introduce dark mode UI to admin interface
? NEW: Provides snippet to consolidate field groups in Add Fields sidebar
? NEW: Adds rule option to hide Post Fields section
✨ IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Refactors hinting markup and alerts to allow for extensibility
✨ IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Handles properly rules matching against empty value
✨ IMPROVE: Shrinks field buttons further when widening form editor sidebar
✨ IMPROVE: Changes icons for condensed editor view
? FIX: GH-FH \ Adds compatibility with AJAX saving introduced in GF 2.6
? FIX: GH \ Adds compatibility with submit button in editor introduced in GF 2.6
? FIX: GH \ Removes application of native GF filters from hopper grouping
? FIX: GH-FH \ Hides some stray elements in condensed view
? FIX: GH-FI \ Looks properly for Coupon & Pipe Recorder fields during integrity check
### 2.3.2 // 2022.03-Mar.02
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds input type hinting for fields with varying types
? NEW: Adds rule option to hide Your License Details panel
? IMPROVE: Registers all scripts with GF for better operability with No Conflict Mode
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Hides amount in condensed view for hidden products
? FIX: GH-FH \ Checks choice option existence only for is/isnot operators
? FIX: GH-OF \ Maybe fixes modulo by zero when rendering column
### 2.3.1 // 2022.02-Feb.11
? NEW: GH-FI \ In editor alert on broken conditional logic rules
? NEW: GH-FI \ In editor alert on missing fields in calculation formulas
? NEW: Provides snippet to preserve entry list columns when form is duplicated
? FIX: GH-FH \ Restricts condensed view toggle to form editor
? FIX: GH-FH \ Hides password strength in condensed view
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Improves collapsible sections styling for condensed view
? IMPROVE: Improves section/page styling for outlined fields
### 2.3 // 2022.01-Jan.08
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds condensed editor view
? NEW: GH-FH \ Provides snippet to outline fields in editor for clearer delineation
? NEW: GH-FN \ Add basic field hinting for field notes
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ More consistent styling
### 2.2.3 // 2022.01-Jan.03
? NEW: Adds section to system report
? NEW: Provides snippet to allow exporting of entry notes with entries
? NEW: Provides rule to hide administrative tooltips
? NEW: GH-FI \ Checks GP Notification Scheduler usage
### 2.2.2 // 2021.12-Dec.17
? NEW: Append form ID to form title in form drop down selector when search by form ID snippet enabled
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds field hinting for calculation
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds field hinting for parameterNames
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Reveal more info for conditionaLogic hinting
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Sets proper icons for post custom field and option indicators
? FIX: Fixes fatal error when Gravity Forms is not active
### 2.2.1 // 2021.11-Nov.22
? NEW: GH-FH \ Adds field hinting for field type
? IMPROVE: GH-FH \ Better placement of field hints for choice-based fields
? FIX: GH-FI \ Hooks to proper filter for checking forms on import
### 2.2 // 2021.11-Nov.19
? NEW: Adds Field Hinting Module
? NEW: Provides snippet to reveal admin label alongside field in form editor
? NEW: Provides snippet to provide more readable rows on logging page table
? NEW: Adds rule option to enable cc setting in notifications via gform_notification_enable_cc
? NEW: Adds rule option to disable logging notice in dev environments via GF_LOGGING_DISABLE_NOTICE
? IMPROVE: Purges duplicate code resulting from module consolidation
### 2.1.1 // 2021.10-Oct.21
? IMPROVE: Distinguishes enhancements from core configs
? FIX: Respects Gravity Hopper enhancement settings
? FIX: Resolves Notice: Undefined variable: gravityhopper_mode
### 2.1 // 2021.10-Oct.19
? IMPROVE: Tweaks the check on hop type
? IMPROVE: Removes console.log when searching hops
? IMPROVE: Removes unused js function declaration
? FIX: Properly retrieve hops in certain instances
? FIX: Properly filter forms in form list
? FIX: Checks that constant used for development is not already defined
### 2.0 // 2021.10-Oct.18
? NEW: Adds Forms → Settings page for managing Gravity Hopper config
? NEW: Adds Gravity Hopper snippet enhancements
? NEW: Support installation on single site for templating
? NEW: Merges functions of Gravity Hopper Child in order to replace it
? NEW: Consolidates all Gravity Hopper utility plugins
? NEW: Adds development mode for better troubleshooting
‼️ BREAKING: Network requires constant define( 'GRAVITYHOPPER_NETWORK_HUB', true );
‼️ BREAKING: Page templates need significant overhaul - disabling for now
### 1.0.0 // 2021.08-Aug.01 =
? RELEASE: Initial launch